mqsicreatebroker BrokerName -i MQ_USER -a MQ_PASSWORD -q QM_NAME -n DB_DATA_SOURCE
2) Create Config Manager
mqsicreateconfigmgr CM_NAME -i MQ_USER -a MQ_PASSWORD -q QM_NAME
3) Trun On and Off Trace Node Output
mqsichangetrace –n [on off]
4) Broker Command queues
Request Queue
Reply or status queue.
To Stop a flow send a message like this to command input queue.
<broker label="MB_5" uuid="fde5fa11-2101-0000-0080-ad643ef657b0" version="1">
<executiongroup uuid="94679f5c-2101-0000-0080-fcd728eb29b9">
<messageflow uuid="dd732563-2101-0000-0080-a2d1ba771093">
5) Message CCID
1208 = utf-8
819 is a default Unix platform CCSID (819 = ISO-8859-1)
6) Encoding
7) MQ Output node once write the into Q the message property like New Msg ID (if set to be generated), Correlation ID would be written to Destination Data coming from out node.
8) WMB Flow testing.
A good WMB flow result testing tool. Good tool to do a broker flow regression testing. Easy to configure and use. MA0T tool here:
9) Tracing in WMB
Support pac to format and read the logs from WMB
Note: Should modify the bat file to 1) Specify the log file directory location 2)Delete the log files once trace is read from WMB.
9.1) Service Trace: Service trace is used to get detailed information about your environment for use by your IBM Support Center.
Activate service traces only when you receive an error message that instructs you to start service trace, or when directed to do so by your IBM Support Center
Start: mqsichangetrace {BrokerName} -t -e {ExecutionGroup} -l {log level debug|normal|none} -r -c 50000
Stop: mqsichangetrace {BrokerName} -t -e {ExecutionGroup} -l none -r -c 50000
Delete old log files: mqsichangetrace {BrokerName} -t -e {ExecutionGroup} -r
Trace Level Report: mqsireporttrace {BrokerName} -e {ExecutionGroup} -t
9.2) User Trace: Use user trace for debugging your applications; you can trace brokers, execution groups, and deployed message flows. Start user trace facilities using the mqsichangetrace command or the WebSphere® Message Broker Explorer
Start: mqsichangetrace {BrokerName} -u -e {ExecutionGroup} -l {log level debug|normal|none} -r -c 50000
Stop: mqsichangetrace {BrokerName} -u -e {ExecutionGroup} -l none -r -c 50000
Delete old log files: mqsichangetrace {BrokerName} -u -e {ExecutionGroup} -r
Trace Level Report: mqsireporttrace {BrokerName} -e {ExecutionGroup} -u
10) Collecting message flow accounting and statistics data
Message flow accounting and statistics data is the information that can be collected by a broker to record performance and operating details of message flow execution. Message flow accounting and statistics data records dynamic information about the runtime behavior of a message flow. For example, it indicates how many messages are processed and how large those messages are, as well as processor usage and elapsed processing times.
2 types of performance data can be collected.
10.1.1) Snapshot Data: Snapshot data is collected for an interval of approximately 20 seconds. The exact length of the interval depends on system loading and the level of current broker activity. You cannot modify the length of time for which snapshot data is collected. At the end of this interval, the recorded statistics are written to the output destination and the interval is restarted.
10.1.2) Archive Data: Archive data is collected for an interval that you have set for the broker on the mqsicreatebroker or mqsichangebroker command. You can specify an interval of between 10 and 14400 minutes, the default value is 60 minutes. At the end of this interval, the recorded statistics are written to the output destination and the interval is restarted.
10.2) Commands
Start: mqsichangeflowstats {BrokerName} -s -e {ExecutionGp} -j -c active -n basic
Stop: mqsichangeflowstats {BrokerName} -s -g -j -c inactive
Report Settings: mqsireportflowstats {BrokerName} -s -g -j
Delete Archive Reports: mqsichangeflowstats {BrokerName} -a -g -j -r
The trace reading support pac can be used to read the statistic in case usertrace option is used.
11) Sender / Receiver channel setup:
11.1) Sender MQSC Scripts
DEFINE QLOCAL(QM2) DESCR('Transmission queue to QM2') REPLACE +
REPLACE DESCR('Sender channel to QM2') XMITQ(QM2) +
11.2) Receiver MQSC Scripts
REPLACE DESCR('Receiver channel from QM1')
11.3) Some problems
1) Some time QMGR objects gets corrupted when you could not figure out the problem then. Delete Channels, restart QMGR and recreate Channels
2) One of the common problem is different CCSID of sender and receiver QMs. This is more likely to be a problem when msg from sender CCSID can not be converted to receiver CCSID by default MQ data conversion. e.g. from 819 to 1399. In case one of QM CCSID needs to be changed.
11.4) Some Scripts
2) STOP CHL(Channel Name) MODE(FORCE)
3) DIS CHS(Channel Name) STATUS -- Status should be STATUS(STOPPED) not stopping..
4) start CHL(Channel Name)